"Roe vs. Wade 2"
Printed February 8, 2004

What a decision!  Since January 22, 1973, one life has been sacrificed every twenty seconds.[1]  Roe vs. Wade has been one of the hottest topics in our era.  The effects continue to be endless.

The recent Massachusetts State Supreme Court ruling, which overturned the will of the people, made a similar decree and just as drastic to our modern beliefs.  By a marginal vote of 4-3, pro-homosexual agenda, tradition and morality are set aside.  On the whim of “fairness” and “justice” nature is abased.  In the name of toleration, good is subverted.

The Bible addresses this behavior in a forthright way.  Both the Old and New Testaments consistently condemn the practice in every form.  One need look no further than Genesis 19 to see the way of life of the men of Sodom as they tried to have relations with the angels of God (v. 5).  Likewise, same sex relations are also condemned in Leviticus 20:13 along with other sexual sins:  adultery (v. 10), woman and her mother (v. 14), beastiality (vv. 15-16), and incest (v. 17).  There are many other Old Testament passages in existence however the New Testament doctrine is directly necessitated to the Christian.

In Romans 1:26-27, Paul associated homosexuality as a “vile passion,” “unnatural,” “lust one toward another,” “unseemliness,” and “error.”  All of the many declared acts of unrighteousness are punishable by death to any who practice or give consent to such habit (v. 32).  Can one deny such revelation from our God of Love?

Probably the most striking evidence which should cause any honest seeker of God to humble to eternal principles is found in 1 Corinthians 6:9.  In another list of sins, Paul gave qualification to the type of individual who will not enter life’s eternal palace.  Found among other transgressions homosexuality is mentioned.  Unlike all the other sacred texts, this is the most profound and descriptive.  Paul precisely highlights the type of practicing homosexual that will face judgment—both the catamite and the sodomite.  Straightforwardly, these are the passive and active partners.  Options are limited thus details are unnecessary.  Scripture is none-the-less simple and clear.

Pandora’s Box is on the verge of being opened by liberal judges and the leftist agenda.  If our society will legally sanction marriage for same sex partners, what about bigamists, open marriage communes, the perverted soul looking to a beast as a mate (Animal rights activists would exclude only acts which are harmful to the animal.  Everything else goes.) or NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) who seeks the aid of the ACLU in weakening the laws against pedophiles.  Where is the line drawn?  How far should we go?  Sure, from a humanistic standpoint, homosexuality is fair, the relationship is good, and the marriage union is just.  After all, should not “couples” be happy, comforted, and free from loneliness?  Such are subjective emotional statements not warranted by righteous thinking.

May God bless our thoughts, prayers, way of life, attitudes, and our land only as we walk close with Him!

[1] Statistics from http://www.cirtl.org/stats.htm on February 5, 2004.
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