Worry: A Christian Enemy
Matthew 6:33-34

Thesis: To show the problem and solution of worry.

1. Do you have worry?
2. How do you handle worry?


I. Addressed the problem.
A. Christians can suffer with worry.
1. Finances (vv. 19-24)
2. Necessities (vv. 25-26)
3. Life (v. 27)
4. Possessions (vv. 25, 28-30)
B. Worry prevents you from reaching your full potential.

II. Searched the heart of the matter.
A. Consider Mary and Martha (Lk. 10:28-42).
Martha was distracted.
B. Indecision causes worry (Mt. 6:24).

III. Presented the answer.
A. Make time for Jesus to others (Lk. 10:42).
B. Follow after righteousness (v. 33).
C. Concentrate on what's important (v. 34).

1. Jesus doesn't want us to be plagued with worry.
2. Every Christian must fight to overcome this enemy.  
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