“Without A Doubt…”
Hebrews 11:1, 6

Thesis: To help dispel doubt in our minds and from our lives.


1. How do you emphasize some great truth to others?
2. Would you swear, use strong language or speak simply?


Let us consider…

I. Some ideas we doubt.
We can doubt…
A. God’s divine nature, character and power (Rom. 1:21-23).
B. That the Bible is all we need (2 Tim. 3:17; 2 Pet. 1:3).
C. The unique nature of the church (Acts 20:28).

II. Some dangers that come from doubt.
A. Doubt prevents us from understanding truth (Acts 1:6; cf. Jn. 14:8-9).
B. Doubt robs us of our true potential as Christians (Mt. 25:25-27).
C. Doubt diverts our eyes off our goal—Heaven (Heb. 12:2; Mt. 14:30-31).
D. Doubt makes us a disciple of Satan (Mt. 16:21-23).

III. Some truths that dispel doubt.
A. God is real.
B. Jesus loves you.
C. The Bible answers.
D. Jesus and the church save.
E. Baptism is the entrance.
F. Salvation depends upon you.


1. Doubting is a work of Satan and is sin; we must not doubt.
2. God’s word dispels doubt.
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