What Is True Worship?
Text: John 4:20-26

Thesis: To show make what biblical worship is.


1. Do you know what worship is? How does one define it?
2. Notice how Jesus answers this question.


Let us consider…

I. Examples of true worship.
A. The magi worshipped baby Jesus (Mt. 2:11).
B. A leper worshipped Jesus (Mt. 8:2).
C. The Ethiopian eunuch came to worship (Acts 8:27).
D. We, as Christians, are to worship God (Rev. 22:9).

II. Characteristics of true worship.
A. One has the understanding & appreciation of the object of worship—God.
B. One worships as correctly prescribed—by truth.
C. One intends to worship; it cannot be accidental.
D. One worships with a God-centered attitude.
E. One worships internally with outward actions.

Hat-Rack Apps
1. Become a faithful Christian. Turn from sin.
Hear – Believe – Repent – Confess – Be Baptized – Remain Faithful
2. Separate from worldliness. Spend time in the word.
3. Commit yourself to God & his ways. Attend.


1. The greatest result of our worship is obedience.
2. Are you a faithful Christian?
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