The Way to the Cross
Matthew 27:27-31

Thesis: Jesus' footsteps will lead us home.

1. Give the chance, would you have executed or liberated the Savior? The mob                 demanded it; Pilate ordered it!
2. Luke wrote of the governor, "He delivered Jesus to their will" (Lk 23:25b)

On the way to the cross, let's consider...

I. The Events
A. The Pain (Mt. 27:31)
B. The Prisoners (Lk 23:32; Is. 53:9)
C. The Public Parade (Jn 19:17; also Lk 14:27; Gal. 6:5)
1. Simon of Cyrene (Mk 15:21; Lk 23:26)
2. Mourning women (Lk 23:28-31; Hos 10:8)

II. Some Lessons
A. Simon's encounter with Jesus gives us an important illustration. An event can                     happen at a most unexpected time that will change one's life forever!
B. The willing women remind us of an age-old truth. What we see may not                           necessarily be the reality!
C. The theives challenge us. Every circumstance brings opportunities to offer                     salvation to a soul!

1. The way to the corss was extraordinary and profound.
2. Nothing is mundane or "just the usual" when Jesus is present.
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