The Greatest Organization
James 4:6-10

Thesis: To show that Christ’s church is the greatest organization in the world.

1. If you were invited to be a part of the greatest organization on earth, would you
accept? If you heard the best news of your life, would you respond? Would you
move immediately, or would you wait for a more convenient day?
2. The church of our Lord is the greatest organization on earth. It offers the best news
of anyone’s life.

The Lord's church is the greatest because...

I. It is where men find salvation.
A. The world doesn’t conceive of salvation; they don’t know they are lost.
B. Salvation is found in Christ alone (Acts 4:12).
1. The church is the body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23); it belongs to Christ, which is
the very reason believers call it “the church of Christ” (Rom. 16:16).
2. God accepts everyone, but on his terms (Acts 10:34-35).
C. Jesus is the savior of the body of believers (Eph. 5:23), but you must be in the
1. You can have a bumper sticker on your car that reads, “Jesus, my Savior!”; but
he is not your Savior if you do not live for him.
2. You can wear a cross around your neck identifying you with the crucified Lord;
but his death means nothing if you are not his.
3. You can go to church your entire life to show the importance of Jesus; but he
does not accept such a gift if your heart doesn’t belong to him.
4. You can read the Bible but not really read it.

II. It is where men find comfort in difficult times.
A. I don’t know what people of the world do in perilous times. I have an idea, but I’m
not sure on its effectiveness.
1. When difficult times arise, surely family, co-workers, neighbors and other
friends come to the aid.
2. What about when they leave? What then? What do worldly people when they
are alone? Honestly, I cannot say for sure.
B. However, the resources Christians have are infinitely better.
1. There are God’s people (Gal. 6:10).
2. God helps us (1 Cor. 10:13).
3. Life gets better (Rom. 8:28).
4. I can endure (Phil. 4:13).
C. I knew a man who took his life when debts mounted.

III. It is where men find others trying to live right.
A. Worldly people don’t live right; many may try, but to what end?
1. Commercial honesty is noble, but what about your soul?
2. Benevolence to good charities is helpful, but what about the Lord’s cause? If
you give more money, time, energy, thought, devotion, consideration, talent,
effort,  to aid organizations than to God’s kingdom which does the most good,
something is wrong—your priorities are not in order. (Mt. 5:13-16 – God wants
the credit.)
3. You can be the best parent in the world, but if you don’t teach them God’s will
then you are really not the best parent (Prov. 22:6).
a. Lads to Leaders and Leaderettes
b. VBS
c. Youth Ministry
B. People are hypocrites and fickle, but they are just people. (triumphal entry; mob;
then penitent) The Lord seemingly condoned their hypocritical fickleness Luke
recorded him to say, “Forgive them for they know not what they do” (23:34).
C. People who live are honest about their sins are justified before God anyway (Lk.
18:9-14; consider comparing Rom. 3:23 and 1 John 1:9).
D. However, we must understand that as we continue to live right, we will closer to
God and put off the works of the devil (Jam. 4:6-10; Col. 3:5ff; 1 Pet. 4:1-5).

1. I am confident that you have already heard about the man named Jesus and his body
of believers.
A. He lived a sinless life (Heb. 4:15), and he died a sinner’s death (Lk. 23:32ff).
B. His blood paid the sin-debt that is otherwise only payable by life (1 Pet. 1:18
C. He became the curse so that you and I would not be (Gal. 3:13).
2. But his life and death are only special if you buy in to what he is offering you today.
3. If you were invited to be a part of the greatest organization on earth, you would
accept it immediately? If you heard the best news of your life, you would respond
4. Why wait another day to be a part of the greatest organization in the world?
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