How Do I Understand My Bible?
1 Corinthians 2:9-16

Thesis: To increase Bible study efficiency.

1. Bible study can be disparaging especially if you’re new.
2. It takes work and time to understand God’s will.

Let's consider...

I. Four key words "from God to man."
A. Revelation - Unveiling truth
B. Inspiration - Recording truth
C. Interpretation - Understanding truth
D. Application - Practicing truth

II. Basic steps in hermeneutics.
(All examples in this point will come from 1 Corinthians.)
A. Consider the historical-cultural context.
Some claim Paul to say "We shouldn't marry" (compare v. 8 to vv. 26, 28-29).
B. Consider the purpose of statements.
Some claim that speaks over the Lord (compare vv. 6, 8, 10, 12 to v. 1).
C. Consider the context.
Some claim that Paul gives another cause for scriptural divorce (v. 15).
D. Consider the theological analysis.
Some claim that Paul justifies a sinful relationship (consider vv. 17, 20, 24).

What do we learn?
A. Study your Bible. Revelation, inspiration, interpretation and application are useless if
you never open the Bible.
B. Invest in Bible materials. Dictionaries and commentaries can help you unlock
difficult passages.
C. Ask for help. Pray that God will grant you wisdom (Jam. 1:5). Elders, preachers and
Bible class teachers may give insight.
D. Teach others. Sometimes explaining difficult points to others helps to clarify and to
solidify those very thoughts in our own minds.

1. God wants us to understand his word.
2. We must come to see the Bible as did those who first received it.
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