God’s Family
Text: Ephesians 2:18-19

Thesis: To show qualities of being in God’s family.


1. There are three institutions that God created: the home, government and the church.
2. God designed that children be raised in a comfortable environment.


Families have…

I. Negative points.
A. No family is perfect, not even the ones in the Bible.
Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Job, Moses, David, Paul, John, even Jesus
B. You’re stuck with each other for better or worse.
C. You can learn some really bad behavior from family members (temperaments, habits,
lifestyles, attitudes, morals, etc.).

II. Positive considerations.
A. You learn the Golden Rule – to love others like yourself (Mt. 7:12).
B. You learn commitment – to belong to something bigger than self (Eph. 4:16).
C. You learn forgiveness – to begin again with self.

III. Spiritual applications.
“Christians are family.”
A. We practice love which we learn from the Father.
B. We have a sense of belonging.
C. We have a second chance to get things right.


1. The Lord wants to be a part of God’s family of believers.
2. All spiritual blessings come to those in the family.
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