Evidence In A Young Earth
Job 38:16-18

Thesis: To show evidence for a young earth.

1. Evolution and creation are opposing world views.
2. However, one point unites both camps: evolution is entirely impossible if the earth
and universe are young.
3. Can we know how old the universe is?

Let us consider...

I. What evolutionists teach. (Many agree simply because of propaganda.)
A. The universe is 8 – 20 billion years old.
B. The earth is approx. 5 billions years old.
C. Man is 2 – 3 million years old.

II. What the science says – Everything can't be more than 10,000 years old, not eons.
The following points favor creationism1:
A. Population statistics
B. Decay of the earth’s magnetic field
C. Polystrate Fossils
D. Hydrogen in the universe
E. Atmospheric helium

III. What the Bible says.
A. God created adults (Gen. 2:7-8, 15-25).
B. The adults were children in experience (Gen. 3:8-13).

What Do We Learn?
1. The Bible is accurate (2 Pet. 1:3).
2. We can trust our Bibles (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
3. We should allow the Bible to guide us to Heaven (Ps. 119:105).

1. The science supports the biblical claim for creation.
2. We should be aware and share the science with others.

  1 Information is taken from Bert Thompson's article "The Young Earth" found at http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/1991.
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