Bread & Butter: Are You Fresh or Stale?
Text: John 6:4-14

Thesis: To show the importance of living bread in our lives.


1. I love bread; it goes with many things.
2. Jesus compares himself to the bread that should be a staple part of everyone’s diet.


Let us consider…

I. Jesus is the living bread (vv. 35, 48).
A. You can eat bread, and it can be from above, but you’ll die because it’s not the living
bread (vv. 31-34, 48-51).
B. Jesus said, “Who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me
scatters” (Lk. 11:23).

II. We must eat the living bread to have immortality (vv. 50-51, 58).
A. There are many questions about immortality, about birth and death.
1. Nicodemus questioned Jesus’ teaching about the second birth (Jn. 3:4).
2. The Jews questioned how eating flesh would prevent a second death (Jn. 6:52).
3. Jesus went by a simple formula: “If you’re born once, you’ll die twice; if you’re
born twice, you’ll die once” (Philip Johnson).
B. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall
be satisfied” (Mt. 5:6).
C. There are five signs that you hunger for the living bread from Heaven.
1. You desire immortality – you simply want to live forever with Jesus.
2. You seek the living bread daily.
3. You are not satisfied with inferior bread with inferior flavor, and you rid yourself of
4. You live daily like you are eating the superior, living bread from Heaven.
5. You sacrifice time for the living bread.

III. The living bread nourishes us (vv. 54-57).
A. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the
mouth of God” (Mt. 4:4).
B. Jesus is the living word that came from God and has been given to each of you in
written form (Jn. 1:1, 14).
C. There are five signs that you are being nourished by the word of God.
1. You have assurance and confidence of salvation.
2. You have fellowship with God’s people.
3. You have little problem with praying to the Father.
4. You can study God’s word with positive results.
5. You grow in favor among men because of your godly wisdom.

IV. We are the butter that flavors the bread.
A. We have a flavor that either turns attracts others to the gospel or repels them from it
(Col. 4:6).
B. Jesus wants us to be salt and light so others will come to glorify God (Mt. 5:13-16).
C. There is one sign you are being effective salt – people ask you inquisitively about

V. Many are turned off to bread (vv. 60-66).
A. Many people consider Jesus’ teachings to be difficult (v. 60).
B. There are five outward signs that you feel
1. You have contempt for God and his ways.
2. You are disgruntled with church members.
3. You are complacent about the truths Jesus has revealed.
4. You do not seek to understand or grow in knowledge.
5. You eventually turn away from Jesus (v. 66).
C. Blessed are you for coming, listening, being involved, and growing.

“Hat-Rack” Apps:
1. Become a faithful Christian.
2. Be a vital, dependable part of Cedar Grove.
3. Grow in you knowledge of God’s word.
4. Help others find the living bread.


1. God wants us to eat the living bread.
2. We can partake and live forever.
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