Balance in an Imbalanced World
Matthew 23:23-26

Thesis: To show the importance of having balance in your life.


1. Do you have balance in your life?
2. Do you know what it means to have biblical balance?


Let us consider…

I. Imbalance is dangerous.
A. Health
B. Life
C. Beliefs (doctrine & living)

II. Balance is biblical.
A. Ephesians 4:15; 1 Corinthians 4:6
B. The OT emphasizes principle of maintaining balance (2 Kgs. 22:2; et al).

III. Some wrong concepts of balance.
A. Doctrine vs. Lifestyle
B. Belief vs. Practice
C. God vs. Worldliness
D. Church Association vs. Worldly Fellowships

IV. Balance is tangible.
A. Balance implies weighing two things equally.
B. The biblical concept for balance is doing what is right.
C. Balance is entering the sphere of truth and growing beyond the elementary matters
(Heb. 6:1-3; cf. 2 Pet. 1:5-7).

“What do we learn?”
Balance is…
1. Believing what the Bible teaches.
2. Practicing what the Bible says.
3. Growing like the Bible shows.


1. Balance is biblical, and thus it is important.
2. Balance enriches our lives.
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