Are You Courageous To Repent?
Joshua 7

Text: Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Thesis: To show the importance of repentance.

1. What is the cost of sin?
2. Why don't more people give up sin for godliness?

Achan was achin' because of...

I. Israel's defeat to Ai (vv.2-5)

II. Joshua's public outery (vv. 6-9)

III. Israel's organization by tribal families (vv. 10-18)

IV. Personal sin under his tent (vv. 19-26)

What do we learn?
1. You cannot hide sin (Acts 5:5, 10)
2. Sin is costly (Romans 3:26)
3. God provides opportunities to repent (2 Peter 3:9)
4. There's a deadline for all men (2 Corinthians 5:10)

1. Achan's sin cost his family and his nation.
2. God provided opportunity for penance but he didn't respond.
3. God wants us to have courage to do what is right.
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